10 giugno 2013

BUSINESSWOMEN / Merily Leis and Paula Pärnaste of SWÄRK

So that's what Merily of Sequin Magazine has been up to these last months!

She's a young Estonian fashion blogger, whose style I like a lot. Her outfits are cute and classy and she takes beautiful pictures - Tallin is now amongst my top must-go travel destinations thanks to her. 

A couple of days ago she announced the launch of the business she founded along with her friend Paula. The two girls are the heads, hearts and hands behind SWÄRK, a clothing company that sells upcycled man shirts. 

Is it bad that I want one for myself? I think they're great, and it doesn't harm that the brand design - from the logo to the photography, to the website - is supercool! SWÄRK shirts are unique, eco-friendly and.. they ship world-wide!

Congrats Merily and Paula, the best of luck on your business venture!

ps. Click through to check out SWÄRK's Facebook page, blog and Instagram.

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